Hi! I'm Elio Frongia, founder of Puro Mundo. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1987, I studied to become an IT Analyst and that gave me the opportunity to work for almost 10 years in that field, which I enjoyed most of the time. I'm a photographer, son of a photo journalist, Aldo Frongia, who taught me the basics of photography around 2004, and I worked with him since then from time to time doing horse-polo tournaments photo coverages. Working as an IT Consultant gave me the chance to travel.  It was then when my true passion gained prominence; landscape photography. 
Since my first trip to Europe in 2012, I found myself putting so much dedication to taking pictures that I began to invest more time in it. In 2013 I went to NYC and in 2014 I did my first solo trip to the south of Argentina, which was a life-changer for me. I then understood what I enjoyed the most. So in 2015 I did my second trip to Europe for a month, visiting some capitals but the most impacting place I met was Iceland, during the week I've been to. It was such an amazing and mind-blowing experience! 
In 2017 I went to New Zealand with a photographer colleague for 3 weeks, and the idea of making photography my way of life started to take shape. 
Finally, in April 2019 I left Buenos Aires and started my world-trip with no-return date to Argentina, to finally dedicate most of my time to photography.
I hope you enjoy my pictures as much I enjoy each place I took them from.